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10 Signs It May Be Time to Upgrade Your HVAC

April 15, 2011

For many of us, we don’t think about the condition of our HVAC systems unless there are problems, or it quits working altogether. Instead of waiting for this to happen to you, consider the following signs to help you determine whether you should be considering an HVAC upgrade for your home.

Age of Unit

Consider replacing your air conditioner or heat pump if the unit older than 10 years.

Rise in Energy Costs

If you have recently noticed a significant rise in the costs to keep your home comfortable, it may be your air conditioner or heat pump is not operating as efficiently as it once did. Have your unit inspected to be certain.

Too Many Repairs

If you find your HVAC needing regular repairs, it may be time to weigh the costs of repairs against the purchase of a system upgrade.

Increase in Noise

Do you notice an increase in the amount of noise produced when your system is operating? You might have a problem with the sizing of your ductwork or a problem with the unit itself.

Poor Performance

If air conditioner or heat pump can’t keep up with your cooing or heating needs, it might be the wrong size for your home - especially if you recently put an addition on your house - or you could have leaks in your ductwork.

You Plan to Sell Your Home

Upgrading your HVAC to a new more energy efficient system can save you money and transfer a greater value to a potential buyer. All of our warranties are transferrable at no charge.

Rooms Are Too Hot or Cold

Rooms that are too hot or too cold can be symptomatic of several issues including poor airflow, duct problems, inadequate insulation, or failing equipment.

Humidity Problems

Excessive humidity inside your home can be indicative of poorly performing equipment or leaky ductwork. Have your unit inspected to be sure. A professional may recommend a dehumidifier for your home.

Excessive Dust

An excessive amount of dust inside your home might indicate problems with your ductwork. They may need to be cleaned.

Tax Incentives

Money saving tax incentives are still available for homeowners looking to upgrade to more energy efficient products. In addition, there are very generous utility rebates (Florida Power and Light and TECO) for high efficiency SEER systems, gas furnaces, and tankless water heaters!

For questions about upgrading your HVAC ask one of our Cool Today experts online, or schedule a free, no obligation in-home estimate today!

Posted in: Tips

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